Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Genesis 1-11 is structured in such a way to reflect certain Essay

Genesis 1-11 is structured in such a way to reflect certain distinctive Israelite articles of faith. Discuss - Essay Example and as, it introduces not only the beginnings of the world but specifically, the formation of Israel as God’s chosen people giving them a sense of religious identity (Gooder 2000, p. 2). The book of Genesis, which in Hebrew is ‘Bereshit’, generally translated as ‘In the beginning’ (Zucker 2005, p. 31), can be divided topically into two parts: the Primeval History (1-11) and the Patriarchal History (12-50) or genealogically into 11 parts: general creation (1:1-11: 3), man’s creation (2:4-4:26),Adam-Seth’s generation (5:1-6:18), Noah-Shem’s generation (6:9-9:29), Noah’s sons’ generation (10:1-11:9), Shem’s generation (6:10-11:26), Terah- Abraham, the chosen seed (11:27-25:11), Ishmael’s generation (25:12-25:18), generation of Isaac-Jacob, chosen seed (25:19-35:29, Esau’s generation (36:1-37:1) and generations of Jacob-Joseph, chosen seed (37:2-50:26); or according to general subject analysis: generation (1-2), degeneration (3-11), and regeneration (12-l); or into its 2 major divisions: Human Race History (1-11) and Israel’s – the chosen nation’s history (12-50) (Evan s 2009, pp. 11-14). Generally, seven major themes characterise the Book of Genesis: origins, order/meaning in history, blessing, covenant, punishment, sibling conflict, and test of faith. It is filled with various tensions that essentially centre on individual survival: ‘fertility and barrenness’; antagonistic sibling rivalry; hostile interfamilial struggles; jealousy; wives competing for attention from the same husband; starvation; ‘incest, rape and murder;’ threatened and real total destruction; ‘love and exile’. (Zucker, 2005, p. 32-33) For the Israelites, the Book of Genesis stands out from the rest of Torah, and between its topical parts, its Primeval History (Gen 1-11) provides the very foundation of the Israelites monotheistic religion. Genesis 1-11 sets Judaism apart from all other religions with regards to its belief in one omnipotent, omniscient,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Movements Essay Example for Free

Social Movements Essay The black struggle for civil rights are tracing their origins back to the arrival of the first Africans in America and also to their work in manufacturing firms, plantations and homes of Americans Taylor, (2000). The civil rights were born as labour movements to fight for the alienated immigrants to have equal rights in America. Since then these movements in the United States have been primarily considered as nonviolent movements that struggle to bring equality and full civil rights for all the American people under the American laws. Most of these movements had long lasting impacts in tactics and increased social and legal acceptance of the civil rights movements because they brought abilities the exposure of the existing and persistent racism and its cost. The American civil rights movement has been made up of many movements though these movements have always been referred to as struggles between 1945 and 1970s. Many movements were initiated but they did not achieve much in terms of political legal social and economic liberations. This was due to their inability to mobilize people to join in their struggle for liberation. However there were two civil rights movements that achieved greater success and can be considered to be the most effective groups. In this case effectiveness of a movement would be defined as; the ability of a movement to mobilize people to join in its activities it’s capacity to make fundamental changes and it’s ability to leave behind legacies in cases of decline or when banned from operating in a state. The civil rights movements that achieved these were the NAACR and UNIA both which had their headquarters in the US and had large support from blacks and social democrats of white origin. The most effective civil rights movement in the USA in the 20th century was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). This was and still is the most influential movement in the USA. A large group of people but from different races founded it on November 12 1909. The founding fathers of NAACP included DUBOIS and Ida Wells-Barnet who were African Americans, Henry Moskowitz (A Jew). Mary White Orrington (white) Oswald Carrison Villad (German born white) and William English Walling (white son of former slave owning family: In 1905 Du Bois advocated for a meeting in a Canadian hotel some meters from Niagara tells, to discuss the challenges facing â€Å"people of color†. People of color were the then used to refer to the blacks in America. 32 prominent African American people attended the meeting and this movement was called the Niagara movement. A year later, the whites that were against racism joined the Du Bois team. The Niagara movement then approached some 60 prominent Americans of the day to ensure that they broaden its membership to be more effective and have larger scope. It then changed from Niagara falls movement to NAACP in 1910 and the name was formerly adopted in may 30, 1910. NAACP was more viable reliable influential and diverse organization due to its mission. The mission of NAACP according to Mann (2000) was to promote equality of rights and to evaluate cost or value of racial prejudice among American citizens, to secure for the â€Å"colored people† importance suffering, to advocate for their interests, to increase their ability and opportunities for securing education for the children, justice in the courts, employment with accordance to their ability and complete equality before the American law. As Mann (2006) argues in his book; Katrina’s Legacy, he has identified the black-led movements to be more important than man-made disasters of Katrina as very important and significant to the possibilities of controlling imperialistic and capitalistic ways of life. They are also very vital in the transformation of a destructors and unstable imperialism and white supremacy. From Mann’s argument it is therefore very obvious that NAACP was effective in terms of democratic vision, ability to mobilize more members and ability to eradicate the racial prejudice. NAACP through Jim Crow’s states that were meant to legalize racial discrimination and by 1913s the people of color would go to the notes and any other restricted areas. NAACP’s president and board members were on in 1913 to oppose president5 Woodrow Wilson’s introduction of racial discrimination and segregation in the federal government policy. To be more effective the NAACP is having four departments within if; the department of education, legal office, health department and the local departments based in member colleges and towns. The legal department is entitled to legal maters. If facieses court cases with broad importance to minorities for instance, handles legal matters pertaining to systematic racial discrimination in employment, educational institutions, health institutions and recreational institutions. It is also entitled to pursuit legal cases involving government discrimination. The health division is endowed with the responsibility of advancing proper health care for minorities through public policy inanities and education. Through education the minorities are reminded about their rights to health care and all the legal frameworks that guides medical services and practitioners. The NAACP is having a Bureau in Washington DC which is responsible for lobbying for the US government. While the education department works in all the member states to improve the quality of education offered a t several atate4 and local levels. The local youth and college department are responsible for the organization of activities for individual members. In terms of mobilization of members NAACP has been able to recruit very many individuals since its initiation in the early 1900s. The headquarters of NAACP is based in Baltimore Maryland with regional offices in states of Texas, California, Georgia, New York, Missouri and Michigan. The regional offices are supposed to coordinate the efforts of state conferences and any other included within the region. 64 members board of directors runs NAACP with each coming from the member states. The Board elects their president and chief executive office for the organization, under the leadership of a chairperson of the board. Currently NAACP is approximately 400,000 people, this includes paying and non-paying members. The main political achievement of NAACP was its National Voter Fund to launch a major get-out-the vote offensive during the 200 US presidential elections. This saw about 10. 5 million African Americans cast their ballots in the presidential elections, a number which was estimated to be 1 million more people than four years before. This achievement was greatly credited by the international observers and they congratulated NAACP for playing a very important role in handling the Ai-Gore states as Michigan and Pennsylvania where elections were close. In the late 1970s Marcus Garvey found black liberation movement to fight against the oppressive rules against the blacks and non-blacks in Diasporas. Garvey’s movement was considered the most original innovative and important of all the movements of late 19th century. This movement was geared towards the struggle for black and African liberation and it provided a very powerful inspirations and valuable teachings for black and non-black member in the Caribbean countries. In early 1900s Garvey moved into the US and started an extremely successful movement known as The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Thousands of UNIA chapters developed in the four continents, because it was viewed, as would be new and successful road to cultural, economic, political and social liberation for blacks and African nations. As NAACP, UNIA also proved very effective in liberation of the blacks through initiating several organizations and groups. The black women association was initiated to fight against racial prejudice among black women and was to advocate for their civil rights in the society. The musical group was aimed at fighting for the rights of the black musicians who had interest in the music industry. It opposed the limits set for the black musicians and called for participations from the ghettos to the gypsies and anybody who had interest and abilities. UNIA saw the initiation of the African Orthodox Church to carter for religious needs of the Africans. This saw the end of discrimination in the then missionary churches in Africa. To ensure that all the blacks and Africans got access to proper and reliable medical services the movement initiated ‘The Back Nurses’ Association to offer medical services needed by members of UNIA. Further on UNIA was able to initiate an internationally distributed newspaper ‘The Negro’ throughout the world. This was a means of education to the blacks stressing on self-reliance and critical evaluation of the books written by the whites about Africa and the blacks. The newspaper would also correct the overcritisism of the black movement and instead unveil the scenes of the whites associated with lynching of blacks. UNIA also developed black economic corporations for example the famous ‘Black Star Lines’ shipping company. Several ships were bought for this company and it was intended to bring back the Africans who were interested in going back to their original homeland. However during the period between 1920 and 1923 UNIA was faced with a decline because the US government for alleged fraud in the international transactions involving the ‘Black Star Lines’ imprisoned Marcus. Other African nations like Liberia refused to accept the blacks from Europe and the US. The movement also suffered persecutions from imperialists and capitalist governments. However UNIA is not dead as it would be for the US government it’s legacy still lives on to this century. Scholars like Mann (2000) are still advocating for the reinforcement of the historical perspectives, which are deeply rooted in centuries of struggle by black liberation. Mann thinks that capitalism, colonialism and imperialism have devastated environment and human lives, so struggle by the oppressed and the colonized is the main tool for liberation which in turn is the key to building new, more just, ecologically-sound and humane society. Though Garvey was jailed and later on released and deported to Jamaica his movement for the blacks UNIA still had great influence in the US. There are some movements that owe their origin to UNIA for example The Black Muslims Association and Neo-Garveyist Movements. He inspired numerous African leaders to fight for colonial liberation. For instance the first Ghanaian president Kwame Nkrumah appreciated the self-reliance calls made by Garvey in his books. Kenya’s first president who was a revolutionary leader Jimo Kenyatta was also inspired by Garvey’s works, Kenyata’s renown labour activist Tom Mboya also borrowed ideas from Garvey. On any occasions of independence attained in Africa scholars like Malcolm X would link it to Garvey’s colonial liberation. Malcolm argues that any independence attained kept the spirit of Garvey alive. UNIA’s legacy still lives on as all sided and the largest black movement with totality of cultural, political, economic and spiritual liberation. It is also the movement that achieved greatest strength internationalism, with membership of more than 25 nations with local chapters in each member country. UNIA also had approximately 2,000 delegates from all over the world. NAACP and UNIA were both civil rights organizations aimed at working on behalf of the African Americans and the blacks to fight for their rights. NAACP retained the name ‘Color People’ in accordance with the tradition of the last surviving users that is the few colored people still found in the US. UNIA on the other hand had advocated for self-reliance and critical analysis and evaluation of the literature by white people. The movement was virtually fighting for black liberations in issues related to land ownership, reparations, full democratic rights and the right of self-surficiency. Therefore it can be said that both NAACP and UNIA played a very important and significant role in black liberation because both contributed to the racial prejudice and disintegration as well as colonialism that were oppressive to the blacks. NAACP is still very vital in advocating for changes in the contemporary society. For instance it opposed election of president W Bush associating him with racism and other oppressions towards African Americans. President Robert Mugabe is still keeping the spirit of Garvey burning by insisting on a self-reliant Zimbabwe and he has locked out all the international aids to his people. It’s therefore evident that NAACP and UNIA have largely contributed to major radical changes in US. References Erick Mann (2006) Katrina’s Legacy; White Racism And Black Reconstruction In New Orleans and Gulf Coast, Frontlines Press, Los Angels. Jonathan B, Clevance Taylor, (ed) (2000), Civil Rights Since 1787;A Reader On The Black Struggle, NYU, Press, New York.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

orwell :: essays research papers

Animal Farm and The Russian Revolution Minor characters and events of the novel Animal Farm symbolize things that are related to the history of Russia. Animal Farm is a story on Stalinism and the Russian Revolution. The characters in Animal Farm all have a part in the Soviet Union meaning the Russian Revolution. The similarities of Mr. Jones and Czar Nicholas II, the leader previous to Stalin tie into each other. There was a strike wave go on in Petrograd. Over 300,000 people went through economic crisis. Factories had a lack of fuel and there were power cuts. The railways were collapsing and there was no meat, and a shortage of flour. Hunger spread through the country. The bourgeois liberals of the â€Å"Progressive Bloc† pleaded with Tsar Nicholas for reform trying to frighten him with revolution. That revolution broke into the February Revolution. Farmer Jones came home drunk one night and didn’t feed the animals making it worse than it already was as they were already starving. The animals got the image of the revolution from Old Major in their heads and attacked. They succeeded and won the battle against Mr. Jones as they drove him off the farm. The animals were now free to do what ever they wanted and needed to pick a leader. Out of all of the animals the pigs were considered to be the most brilliant. The two pigs that stood out the most were Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon is not a good speaker, but he can assert himself. Snowball is a better speaker because he has a lot of ideas. These two pigs did not get along, much like Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. The Russian leaders fought for power and Stalin achieved sole power and Trotsky was exiled. Trotsky escaped Stalin’s dilemmas. Stalin hated his opponent so much that he caused his name to be written simply â€Å"Judas Trotsky.† Stalin stole many of Trotsky’s ideas and methods. Eventually Trotsky was expelled from Russia. In the same manner, Snowball and Napoleon always argued over ideas. Napoleon was already power hungry and had a plan to get rid of Snowball after the rebellion. In the middle of this all, Snowball was planning out to build a windmill for power to energize the farm. Napoleon then directed the dogs he raised since they were puppies on Snowball and chased him off the farm. Napoleon eliminated his only enemy and was free to control the farm.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Family Violence :: essays research papers

In his book Wounded Innocents, writer Richard Wexler recounts the testimony of eight-year-old Mary Ellen Wilson in the first U.S. court case concerning child abuse. The year was 1874: Mama has been in the habit of whipping and beating me almost every day. She used to whip me with a twisted whip, a raw hide. The whip always left a black and blue mark on my body. I have now the black and blue marks on my head which were made by mama, and also a cut on the left side of my forehead which was made by a pair of scissors. She struck me with the scissors and cut me . . . I do not know for what I was whipped—mama never said anything to me when she whipped me. Interestingly, this case was brought before the court by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Although there had been laws enacted as early as colonial times to prevent child abuse, in practice the legal system had mostly ignored the issue. In Mary Ellen’s case, the ASPCA successfully argued that the girl was protected under laws barring the mistreatment of animals. As a result of the publicity surrounding Mary Ellen’s case, more than two hundred Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children sprang up around the country, and many states passed laws making child abuse illegal. However, public awareness of the problem wavered over the next eighty years, and child abuse remained a largely unacknowledged fact of life in America. Most communities continued to expect the family itself to deal with the issue; if anyone did intercede on the behalf of the victim, it was likely to be an extended family member or a pastor, and the problem was unlikely to be reported. Children were rarely removed from any but the poorest families. Historically, authorities got involved only when violence resulted in severe physical injury or death. The passage of the first mandatory child abuse reporting laws at the state level in the early 1960s began a transformation of the issue— from a taboo family secret to a social problem worthy of academic debate. As reports came in from doctors and teachers, the public’s willingness to address the issue on a national level coalesced, and in 1974 Congress passed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). The act, which earmarked federal funds for states that passed mandatory child abuse reporting laws, has encouraged the passage of such laws in all fifty states.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Examine the ways in which feminism has contributed Essay

Examine the ways In which femlnlsm has contributed to our understanding of families Feminists take critical views of the family as they argue it oppresses women and therefore creates issues such as unequal divisions of domestic labour and domestic violence against women. Feminists believe that there is a triple burden’ of paid work. domestic labour and emotional work. Also gender Inequality Is not regarded as natural or Inevitable, but something that has been created by society. Feminists also argue that the oppression of women is due to patriarchy. The New Right has been criticised by feminists such as Ann Oakley (1997) as it has a conservative and anti-feminist perspective on the family. The New Right is firmly opposed to family diversity. The New Right sees the nuclear family as the ‘natural’ family and Is based upon fundamental biological differences between men and women. In their view, the nuclear family has clear-cut divisions of labour between the breadwinner-husband and homemaker-wife. Therefore leading to criticisms from feminists. Ann Oakley argues that the New Right wrongly assumes that husbands and wives’ roles are fixed by biology. She also believes that the New Right view of the family is a negative reaction against the feminist campaign for women’s equality. Even more so, other feminists argue that the traditional nuclear family favoured by the New Right Is based on the patriarchal oppression of women and Is a fundamental cause of gender inequality. In this view, it prevents women working and keeps them financially dependent on me. Feminism is often referred to as feminisms’ as it is acknowledge that the feminist label Is broad and a cover many types of feminist. The main types of feminists are; Liberal, Marxist, Radical and Dfference. Liberal feminists such as Jenny Somerville (2000) believe that the main obstacle for women is the equality in attitudes, practices and law in which can be changed without any fundamental changes to the structure of society. They also are concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities. Through people favouring and challenging the gender role soclallsatlon In childhood, attitudes can then be changed towards roles In the family. Liberal feminists argue that women’s oppression is gradually being overcome hrough the changing attitudes and changes in laws such as the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) which outlaws discrimination in employment. Even more so Liberal feminists hold a similar view to theorists such as Young and Willmott, although they do not believe full gender equality has been achieved in the family, they argue It has been a gradual progress. Through the gradual progress of changing attitudes, the ways In wnlcn cn110ren are soclallsea In tne Tamlly Is now OITTerent. Daugnters are socialised more equally to sons in the modern day compared to the past. However, ther feminists such as Marxist and Radical, criticise Liberal feminists for failing to challenge the underlying causes of women’s oppression and for believing that changes in law or attitudes will be enough to bring equality. Marxist feminists and Radical feminists believe instead that far-reaching revolutionary changes to deep- root social structures are needed. Another type of feminist is Marxist feminism, and they argue that the main cause of women’s oppression in the family is not men, but capitalism. Several functions are performed through women’s oppression for capitalism, firstly that women reproduce he labour force, through their unpaid domestic labour and by socialising the next generation of workers and maintain the servicing of the current generation. Another function is that women absorb anger that would otherwise be directed at capitalism. Wives are describe as takers of shit’ by Fran Ansley (1972) who acknowledges that women soak up the frustration of their husbands feelings due to the alienation and exploitation they suffer at work. This is a primary example for Marxists, as it explains male domestic violence against women. Abbot and Wallace (1990) note that the main ause of domestic violence is the male perception that the partner is failing her duties. Dobash and Dobash (1979) also found that these duties tended to be about sex, money and home making. Due to the male perception of the partner failing her duties, it is often resulted in the women believing that they deserved to be beaten. Also women are a ‘reserve army of cheap labour, meaning that when extra workers are needed women shall be taken on to work, but as soon as they are no longer needed the employers ‘let them go’ to return to their primary role as unpaid domestic labour. However, Radical feminists have been critical based on the emphasis is being put on capitalist forms of exploitation. They argue that patriarchy predates Capitalism which makes it a more significant explanation of female exploitation and oppression. Radical feminists argue that all societies have been founded on patriarchy and for radical feminists the key division in society is between me and women. Radical feminists see men as the enemy as they are the source of women’s oppression and exploitation. Also that the family and marriage are the key institutions in patriarchal ociety. Men benefit form women’s domestic labour and from their sexual services, and they dominate women through domestic and sexual violence or the threat of it. Radical feminists argue that the family is the root of women’s oppression, so therefore must be abolished. They also argue that the only way to achieve this is through separatism, where women must live independently of men. Even more so, radical feminists argue for ‘political lesbianism’, which is the idea that heterosexual relationships are inevitably oppressive because they involve ‘sleeping with the enemy. Germaine Greer (2000) argues for the creation of all-female or ‘matrilocal’ households as an alternative to the heterosexual family. However, for liberal feminists such as Jenny Somerville (2000), radical feminists fail to recognise that women’s position has improved considerably with better access to Jobs, divorce and control over tnelr own Tertlll ty Somerville also argues tnat separatlsm Is unlikely to work as heterosexual attraction makes it unlikely that the conventional nuclear family will disappear. On the other hand, Somerville does agree that women have yet to chieve full equality. The feminist approaches already considered tend to assume that most women live in conventional nuclear families and that they share a similar experience of family life. However, difference feminists argue that women have very different experiences of the family from one another and so therefore cannot be generalised. For example, working-class and middle-class women, black and white women and lesbian and heterosexual women all share different experiences so therefore cannot be compared. Black feminists argue that by regarding the family solely on a source of ppression, white feminists neglect black women’s experiences of racial oppression. The black family is positively viewed as a source of support and resistance against racism by black feminists. However other feminists argue that this approach neglects the fact that, despite such differences, women do in fact share many of the same experiences. For example, women face a greater risk of domestic violence and sexual assault and low pay compared with men. Feminism is criticised for ignoring the increased family diversity of families in the modern day, and although the nuclear family remains important, it is by no means the only family type.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Elizabeth Blackwell Biography essays

Elizabeth Blackwell Biography essays Elizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3, 1821 and she died on May 31, 1910 at the age of 89. Elizabeth, also known as Lizzie by her family, was born in England, and lived with her two sisters, her mother, and her father. Her sisters names were Anna and Marian. When she was growing up, she always like to play doctor, and she really loved going grocery shopping with her mom. Lizzies family lived in a two-story house that had two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a dining room, and a kitchen. Plus they had a giant shed and a food storage house on their yard. Her family wasnt rich, but they were lucky when they inherited a close friends home. A private tutor taught Lizzie all she needed to know during her early years of school. Her favorite subjects were math and science because her lifelong dream was to be in the medical field. She attended a school in England until her father moved them to the United States. She attended school every chance she could and kept her grades high. Once she reached the age where she could start working, Elizabeth, her two sisters, and her mother opened up a private school in Cincinnati to support the family. While working at the school, Elizabeth became interested in medicine, and really sound of being a women physician. Elizabeth went to Henderson, Kentucky, as a teacher, and then to North and South Carolina, where she taught while reading medicine in her free time. She said later, "The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me." (This quote is from a site recommended by In 1847 she began searching for a medical school that would admit her for a full course of study. When she did try to get into a medical school people laughed and wouldnt take her seriously. The schools didnt even give her a chance to prove that she was serious, they just turned her dow ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Miranda V. Arizona

Miranda V. Arizona James wells Wells 1History 1302Irigoyen26 March 2014Miranda v. ArizonaIn March 1963, a man names Ernesto Miranda was arrested in Phoenix Arizona, with the belief that he raped an 18 year old female. He was heavily questioned and interrogated, during this time he had admitted to committing the crime and gave a written statement which he signed; he went as far as to identify the girl that he had raped. He wrote in his statement that he was not threatened to say anything he did not do and he had full knowledge of his legal rights. Although in court, he said to the judge he did not know his rights as they were not stated to him at the time of the arrest; furthermore he did not know he had the right to remain silent and he had no knowledge that he had the right to an attorney.English: West face of the United States Supreme Co...Also stating that if he knew his rights he would not have answered any questions and would not have done so until he had an attorney.The plaintiff was denied his r ights to remain silent until proven guilty and he had no knowledge of the right to an attorney. While, the defendant states that he had enough legal evidence to lead to conviction or Mr. Miranda. The court is concerned with the fact that the plaintiff did not have his legal rights stated to him which violates his right to the fifth and the fourteenth amendment. This case of Miranda V. Arizona brings about the issue of a criminal or even non criminals rights. A peace officer must in all situations present a detainee with their rights given to them by the government. If not stated the detainee has a chance at pardon from the crime that they...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Types of Ancient Greek Medicine

Types of Ancient Greek Medicine What do these three have in common? AsclepiusChironHippocrates Have you heard of a healing god of Greece called Asclepius or Asculapius? He was Apollos son, but his divine parentage didnt keep him alive after he became too good at his craft, depriving the Underworld gods of their denizens. Alongside the mythology about demigods bringing the dead back to life and a centaur who taught generations of heroes how to tend to their future, battle or quest-incurred wounds, were Greek thinkers and observers who furthered the craft of healing to what we would probably consider scientific levels. Ancient Greece is considered the home of rational medicine and the Hippocratic Oath, but that doesnt mean they rejected all forms of religious healing. Alternative and scientific medicine co-existed in the ancient world just as they do today. Lyttkens says that healing cults took an upswing at the time of the birth of secular medicine and doctors sacrificed to the healing god Asclepius. There were, of course, magicians, charlatans, and quacks, as well as midwives. The main divisions, according to G. M. A. Grube, were temple medicine, medicine connected with physical training, and the medicine of the medical schools. Medical Schools The two most important medical schools were those of Cos (Kos) and Cnidos (Knidos). Cos and Cnidos are in Asia Minor where there was contact with Asia and Egypt, as well as Greece. Practitioners from both these schools did not believe illness was connected with the supernatural. Treatment was holistic, involving diet and exercise. Typical physicians were itinerant craftsmen, although some physicians became public doctors (archiatros poleos) or attached to a household. They practiced rational medicine rather than deducing from philosophical theory. Temple Medicine The two main healing sanctuaries were located in Cos (again; remember religious and secular medicine were not mutually exclusive) and the birthplace of Asclepius, Epidauros (dating from the end of the 6th century). Following a sacrifice, treatment included incubation by which was meant the patient went to sleep. Upon awakening he would either be cured or have received divine instruction in a dream that would be interpreted by experienced priests. Gymnasium Gymnastic treatment, based on experience, relied mainly on athletic training and hygiene (mens sana in corpore sano). Henry says that the trainers were like chemists (druggists/pharmacists) to the Aesclepian priests. Gymnasium personnel administered enemas, bled, dressed wounds and ulcers, and treated fractures. The sophist Herodicus is called the father of gymnastic medicine. He may have taught Hippocrates. Sources Greek Medicine and the Greek Genius, G. M. A. Grube, Phoenix, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter, 1954), pp. 123-135Health, Economics and Ancient Greek Medicine,Carl Hampus LyttkensJanuary 2011Lectures On The History Of Medicine (Concluded), Alexander Henry, The British Medical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 172 (Apr. 14, 1860), pp. 282-284

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research problem Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Problem - Research Paper Example The property in question here does not have any elements related to trade and profit, therefore the owners of the property did not receive any recognized gains. The tax basis for the property under discussion would be such that the owners would be accorded tax-free treatment. Section 1031a of the internal revenue code identifies the basis applicable to a property being exchanged (IRS). The property under discussion here could be treated as tax free because of acquisition within the specified duration of time. The tax basis imposed on properties by the United States tax laws would be excluded in this property. The regulation offers a 45 day period of identification of an exchange property, and 180 day period for acquisition of the property. Since the property under discussion fully complied with these stipulations, the property would receive tax-free treatment. The owners of the new property would not be required to remit any taxes on the new

Friday, October 18, 2019

Occupational Health And Safety Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Occupational Health And Safety - Coursework Example In the UK, a road tanker overflowed when the capacity of its tank exceeded. During the reloading process, a shut-off valve failed. The incident occurred at the West Thurrock terminal. Later on, when the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigated the incident, it was found that the valve was blocked by debris and for this reason it was not closing. The subsequent result was that a large amount of petrol leaked from the tanker and formed a pool below and around the tanker. Since petrol is highly inflammable, this incident had a major risk factor for both the terminal workers and the tanker drivers. Vopak London Terminal BV Limited who was the terminal operator failed to manage the health and safety measures. The operator was fined  £50,000 I feel the risk was not properly calculated and proper steps were not taken to avoid the risk. As the valve failed to close, it had the potential risk which was not properly managed. The resultant spillage had the possibility to take the lives of all the people in the vicinity that included terminal workers and tanker drivers. What I feel is that Vopak London Terminal BV Limited could not fulfill its responsibilities towards the health and safety of its workers. It did not take adequate steps to thwart the incident, and even during the spillage it could not control the heavy amount of petrol that formed a pool. To create a safe and healthy working environment, I feel it is necessary for terminal operators to recognize any potential factors that can cause injury to workers.

Ardley, Neil et al. Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ardley, Neil et al. Music - Essay Example On audience participation, the performers gave signs to the audience to join them especially at the chorus part of the song. This they achieved by signaling their audience using their hands to join along, or by turning the microphone towards the audience(Ardley et al, 82.). The audience in turn picked up the meaning of the gestures and sang along. At times they would simply tell the audience to sing along which they did. When introducing a new song to the audience, the group first taught the audience the song lyrics and rhythm before singing it. They would then start by singing the song in a slow tempo, and increased it gradually as the audience learned the song better. The 2014 One Direction documentary Where we are talks about the rise of the One Direction from the X factor all the way to the San Siro stadium performance which was one of their peak moments in their music career. This documentary reveals to us what it took to make this music group successful. They relate their success to their audience. In this documentary they talk about planning on their shows prior to performance, and proper rehearsals to get used to the performance and prevent any awkward situations while on stage.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Drug trafficking a global issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Drug trafficking a global issue - Research Paper Example It is understandable that this illegal business keeps growing at such a fast pace despite myriad efforts made at an international level and the mighty risk involved because the huge amounts of cash bagged by those involved directly or indirectly in the trade keeps them from abandoning the business. The above figure clearly demonstrates how much the illicit drugs trade differs from other kinds of illegal trades like trafficking of diamonds, firearms, and humans in the context of estimated global value. Though profits in this trade are made through a variety of different factors, yet one most profitable sector in many instances is based on the complex and highly secretive process of carrying the drugs internationally which is performed in so many different and ingenious ways that catching the people involved in this process becomes impossibly difficult many times. â€Å"The funds raised by trafficking groups can be used to underwrite other criminal activity and even political insurgency† (UN World Drug Report 2007, cited in Shah, 2008) which shows that drug trafficking even has political implications as will be discussed in this research paper. This paper basically aims to analyze the key elements of drug trafficking and its global implications. Literature about how the p ublic administration relates to drug trafficking will also be reviewed along with demonstrating the relationship of internal and external influences in context of drug trafficking. Many efforts over the past many years have been made consistently to tackle this global problem which has diverse domestic implications as people are still dying in staggering numbers in many incidents related to trafficking. An important factor accounting for this thriving illegal business is that unlike diamonds or human trafficking, the drug supply is regularly consumed each year and remains in constant need of immediate and rapid renewal. When the supply always needs to be renewed on a yearly

Introduction to Communication- Self-Awareness-repost Personal Statement - 1

Introduction to Communication- Self-Awareness-repost - Personal Statement Example Apparently, the hidden self is more prominent at work because one cannot love and care for colleagues’ more than family members. Essentially, one spends a lot of time with the family members and they end up knowing a lot about a person compared to colleagues. Nevertheless, maintaining a definite level of openness is crucial. From the episode, â€Å"is data alive† by Nicholson, data’s actions do not represent what a reasonable person can do. It is important to affirm that an individual with the right mind cannot sacrifice life to avoid destruction of machines (Nicholson 1). Personally, I believe that all individuals should learn to prioritize life compared to artificial objects. It is not common to find a person who is willing to sacrifice the life of an individual in favour of material things. Therefore, no person despite race or gender is capable of performing Data’s

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Drug trafficking a global issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Drug trafficking a global issue - Research Paper Example It is understandable that this illegal business keeps growing at such a fast pace despite myriad efforts made at an international level and the mighty risk involved because the huge amounts of cash bagged by those involved directly or indirectly in the trade keeps them from abandoning the business. The above figure clearly demonstrates how much the illicit drugs trade differs from other kinds of illegal trades like trafficking of diamonds, firearms, and humans in the context of estimated global value. Though profits in this trade are made through a variety of different factors, yet one most profitable sector in many instances is based on the complex and highly secretive process of carrying the drugs internationally which is performed in so many different and ingenious ways that catching the people involved in this process becomes impossibly difficult many times. â€Å"The funds raised by trafficking groups can be used to underwrite other criminal activity and even political insurgency† (UN World Drug Report 2007, cited in Shah, 2008) which shows that drug trafficking even has political implications as will be discussed in this research paper. This paper basically aims to analyze the key elements of drug trafficking and its global implications. Literature about how the p ublic administration relates to drug trafficking will also be reviewed along with demonstrating the relationship of internal and external influences in context of drug trafficking. Many efforts over the past many years have been made consistently to tackle this global problem which has diverse domestic implications as people are still dying in staggering numbers in many incidents related to trafficking. An important factor accounting for this thriving illegal business is that unlike diamonds or human trafficking, the drug supply is regularly consumed each year and remains in constant need of immediate and rapid renewal. When the supply always needs to be renewed on a yearly

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Equal Opportunities and Diversity - Case Study Example The business case chosen for review is Tesco Ireland. This is one of the leading employers in Ireland and is also a classic example of an organisation that has to deal with diversity. Among its eleven thousand employees, the Company has a large percent of them coming from different parts of the world like America, Africa, Asia and other parts of Europe. The Company has a fair representation of people from various age groups that start from fifteen to eighty five. Besides this, the Company has also recruited and managed people with disability, different religious beliefs among others. Correspondence/similarities between equal opportunities and diversity have been demonstrated even in customer care by Tesco Ireland. The Company has made some changes that make shopping easier for persons with disabilities; first the Company has wide aisles that enable a person on a wheelchair or any device that helps in movement to use their stores easily. Secondly, Tesco has installed shelves that can easily be reached by children, undersized people or those on wheel chairs because those shelves are lower in height. Besides this, the Company has also incorporated wide ranges in its stores. All these changes were made after surveying Customers in a routine program managed by the Company called Customer Question Time Panels. (Mckillion, 1999) However, differences between equality and diversity were shown in the treatment of Polish Immigrant Workers during the year 2005. In the month of August, there were some agency workers of Polish origin who felt that they were not being granted equal opportunities in comparison to other workers. They engaged in a strike that highlighted the following discrepancies; Unequal salary payments between non-Polish workers and them Minimal chances of permanent employment for Polish Workers Poor working conditions These Polish workers were engaged in the distribution section of the Company. The Company tried to stand up for itself but their words to the press had already tarnished their image. In light of this strake, Tesco Ireland demonstrated that it did not treat its diverse workforce in an equal manner. (Berry, 2005) Equal opportunities and diversity in recruitment In the year 1999, Tesco Ireland worked hand in hand with North side Partnership to hire a number of employees perceived to be needy. These included; Travellers People with disability Recovered drug addicts Former prisoners (Thomas, 1990) These groups of people were hired to work in a new supermarket that would be opened five years from that time. The Company did not decide to hire these needy persons because there was lack of a better alternative; it did this because it wanted to grant equal opportunities to people in that area-Clare Hall. In actual sense, there were very many other people in need of employment in that area as unemployment was at a record high of sixteen percent in Clare Hall. By so doing, Tesco Ireland has shown that equal opportunities can be available to a diverse workforce thereby demonstrating that there are similarities in the latter two concepts. Similarities between equal opportunity and diversity have also been demonstrated by the Company by recruitment of people who have exceeded the official

Why Was There a Spanish Armada Essay Example for Free

Why Was There a Spanish Armada Essay England and Spain have had religious differences since Henry VIII changed England into a protestant country as a result of the divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. When Henry died his son, Edward I, was a strong protestant and reinforced the protestant faith in England. When Edward I died at the age of 15, his half sister Mary became Queen. She was a strong Catholic, and this resulted in England returning to the Catholic religion which resulted in the persecution of non-Catholics. She married King Phillip of Spain who was also a devout Catholic. When Mary died, her half sister Elizabeth I became Queen of England, who immediately stopped the persecutions of non- Catholics and changed England back to protestant. The main reason for the Armada was because King Phillip of Spain wanted to take over England and to change it back to Catholic, just as Elizabeth had turned it protestant. King Phillip offered to marry Elizabeth thinking that he could have control over English politics and persuade her to keep the Catholic faith. After she refused his offer he made several failed attempts to kill Queen Elizabeth to replace her with a Catholic Monarch, Mary, Queen of Scotts. King Phillip was getting angry with Queen Elizabeth because she was letting English pirates attack Spanish ships as long as she got a percentage of the spoils. She also offered to help Protestants who rebelled against Spanish rule in the Spanish Netherlands. Elizabeth ordered the execution of her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, which convinced King Phillip to attack England. Queen Elizabeth knew that King Phillip had a big fleet of ships and lots of essential supplies. She sent the Royal Navy to do a surprise attack on the Spanish ships at the harbor in Cadiz. The British attacked and damaged several warships, some very severely. They also destroyed the barrels of food, water, and gun powder on the ships. They had to make new ones but they did not let the barrels dry long enough which caused the contents to spoil. The food rotted, the water became undrinkable, and the gun powder was useless. This delayed the Spanish Armada attack for one year.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Tesco Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment

How Tesco Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment Topic of the Research How TESCO compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service Background to the Study The successes of organizations are measured through analysing the productivity of organizations. Productivity of an organization is highly dependent on the market share of the organization where they have the demand for the products of the organization. In a competitive environment having a proper market share is dependent on variety of factors. Accordingly the market share and the demand for the products has become a crucial factor for the success of all organizations. Keeping and growing the market share consistency is a critical factor especially in a very competitive environment. In most situations organizations implement and apply different strategies to ensure that their market share is strong and stabilized. Accordingly they develop magnificent range of market strategies as one method and at the same time different products such as diversifications are introduced to the market. Anyhow having a range of different strategies organizations try to keep and expand their market share. This is a best area where a future manager or a leader should identify and study because as with the totally competitive market today organizations needs to apply different methods to keep their market share. Therefore to become a successful manager it is the duty of a potential manager to gain a magnificent knowledge in this particular area. This knowledge will provide an insight and a proper framework to become a strategic manger in the field of work. Accordingly it was decided to study about the particular field of study on how the organizations become successful in a competitive environment while keeping their market share. When it comes to the study area it should be narrowed down in order to obtain a proper knowledge and skill in the field of studies. Accordingly it was decided to study about how an organization competes in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Accordingly it was decided to conduct the study for the TESCO PLC. Research Problem and Justification As described earlier it is not just an easier task to compete and survive in a competitive business environment. Therefore it is required to identify how several organizations implement their strategies to compete in a competitive business environment. This is a critical problem where each and every manger should address to identify different strategies implemented by organizations. As per the subject area is too widen at once it is impossible to conduct a research on identifying different strategies of range of organizations. Therefore the best option is selecting a one organization in the competitive market and analyse the different strategies implemented by particular organization. Accordingly it was found that TESCO Plc has become more successful in the business for a long time of period and currently as well in a growing success. At the same time TESCO is in a very competitive market environment where market leaders such as ASDA and Sainsbury are also competing. At the same time TESCO maintains a range of low cost products and still having an extraordinary market share. Considering all these aspects it was decided to conduct the research on Tesco under the following topic, How TESCO compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. This study will provide a comprehensive analysis on how Tesco compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Objectives of the Study To identify different type of strategies implement to compete in a competitive market To gain an overall knowledge on TESCO To identify the strategies implemented by TESCO to compete in the market Scope and Limitations of the Study The successfulness of Tesco with the competitive market may not only due to the actions done in order to be stable in the market there may be different several reasons which affects for the success of the organization. For an example the long brand image, the quality of the products may be merely the reason for the organizational success in the market. But this study only measures up a particular area which is the impact of strategies of the organization in order to survive in the competitive market. But when come to the actual situation there may be many more reasons which create the demand for the organization. Apart from that this study should not be conducted to a one particular organization; it should be conducted to a range of organizations under the title of affect of organizational strategies to survive in a competitive market with low cost products likewise the study should be expanded to a level where we can do the study for several case studies which will provide a better framework to critically identify the factors behind successful organizations in terms of survival in a competitive market. It will cover a vast area of research study and will provide a better environment to identify the reasons behind organizational success in terms of retaining the market share. But here the scope of this study is limited only to identify the strategies of Tesco in order to be successful in the competitive market. It is true that this scope of study covers a vast area but to be more successful this research study can be expanded to that area. Literature Review The literature review on this study is consisted with two main parts one is identifying about general strategies applied in order to achieve success through having a proper market share and then it is explained the literature on TESCO plc. Tesco was established in 1919 by Mr. Jack Cohen who began the business to sell additional groceries from a stall at the East End of London.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopuntitled.JPG In 1924 Jack sold out his own-brand product and at that time the first product was Tea production. After that he developed the business by intensifying it as TESCO stores. Accordingly the branches of TESCO were opened United states, Taiwan, China etc and now they have become as a leading chain of supermarkets providing a high class customer service in UK and as well as in outside UK. Following is a SWOT analysis of Tesco Plc. Strengths Weaknesses The business has an Increasing market share. Tesco has held a 13% share of the UK retail market. Successful trade in Insurance, Tesco Personal Finance reached the milestone of one million motor insurance policies in fiscal 2003 Tesco -online Super market- Tesco Provides an online supermarket and it is the worlds major online supermarket and this year the group had sales of over  £577 million High Brand value for the business- The earnings for the operations of this organization has enlarged in 75% covering the countries in Europe, Asia and Ireland in the last fiscal year Has reinforced the UK market leadership- Tesco has developed a unbeaten business strategy that has increased its advantage. Tescos UK sales are now 71% larger than Sainsburys who is a competitor for Tesco Dependence mainly upon the UK market- still mainly dependable on the UK market. 73.8% of there revenue is from there UK market decrease of Debt- Tesco is not predictable to decrease its debt until at least 2006 Opportunities Threats Non-food trade high demand- The growth in Tescos hypermarket format in the UK means that there are prediction of seeing its 13% share of retail sales Increasing demand for Health and beauty- Tescos UK health and beauty ranges go on to grow Further international expansion on the business area-expanded business to Asia Europe structural modify of UK could flash a price war Overseas income could be reduced due to hazards in those countries International growth of competitors The Corporate Strategy of TESCO The fundamental for the corporate strategy of TESCO is to widen the range of the business which can bring strong sustainable long-term growth by following the customer into large growing markets at residents such as financial services, non-food and telecoms and new markets abroad, initially in Central Europe and Asia, and more recently in the United States. Accordingly the strategy of diversify the trade of TESCO was started from 1997 and it became the basis of Tescos success in recent past. The objectives of Tesco corporate strategy are as follows, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To become a unbeaten international retailer à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To grow the heart of the business in UK à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To become powerful in non-food services as in food service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To put up retailing services such as Tesco Personal Finance, Telecoms and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To give main concern to the community on what Tesco does. The Strategies of Tesco is based on five main elements as Core UK, Community, Non-food, Retailing services, International. Maintaining UK as the Core Growth in the UK business Tesco is more consider to new spaces, additions to existing stores and a multi-format approach. Sales of non-food, which shapes another key part of their strategy, also add to the overall UK growth picture. Consider about Community They are having Community Plans in each nation which based around their community promises actively behind local communities; buying and selling their products responsibly; caring for the environment; giving customers healthy choices and good jobs for local people and replicates the needs of the local communities they serve. Non Food Business Their strongest range of non-food can be seen in Extra stores and Homeplus, including electrical, home entertainment, clothing, health and beauty, stationery, cook shop and soft furnishings, and seasonal goods such as barbecues and garden furniture in the summer. Retailing Services The Tescos main strategy on this is they consider that their customers are diverse and their needs are changing always. So they try to offer more than one way to shop. Accordingly they are having Tesco Personal Finance (TPF),, and Tesco Telecoms to offer wide range of services. Consideration on International Market Tesco operations operate in 13 markets outside the UK, in Europe, Asia and North America. Their latest strategy is to enter into the Indian market where they have taken first step in last year, by establishing a cash carry business. The above literature covers a vast area on the TESCO which is highly important in doing a research study because in actually without having a proper understanding about the organization it is difficult to study a particular area of the organization. Accordingly after gaining an overall understanding about the organization the following literature has been discussed on strategies done to ensure competitive advantage in general and as well the specific strategies of Tesco to compete in high competitive market. Competitive Advantage Many firms put their fullest attempt to achieve the competitive advantage. Some businesses try to get the competitive advantage by offering lesser prices or providing excellence services or other benefits that rationalize a higher price. But organizations must always try to build the strongest competitive advantage which is a strategy that cannot be simulated by the other companies. Michael Porter (1980) introduces three strategies to accomplish competitive advantage as Cost leadership Differentiation Focus Once the competitive advantage is accomplished it is not the end result, because once accomplish that company should try to retain in that situation. It means the firms should have to be in a sustainable position. The competitive advantage of that stage is sustainable competitive advantage. In order for a firm to reach a sustainable competitive advantage, its broad strategy must be stranded in a quality that meets four criteria. Those are as follows: Valuable -it is of value to consumers. Rare -it is not commonplace or easily obtained. Inimitable -it cannot be easily imitated or copied by competitors. Non-substitutable-consumers cannot or will not substitute another product (Info Abstracted by: Competitive Advantage. Encyclopaedia of Business, 2nd ed. By Dena Waggoner) The following section assesses the different strategies implemented by Tesco in order to compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. The analysis of data and information of Tesco Plc was done by identifying the different faces of brand management and how can that effect to achieve the competitive advantage. As the introduction was given about brand management at the literature review if an organization need to be in a position of sustainable competitive advantage position. That brand should bear following four characteristics. Valuable -it is of value to consumers. Rare -it is not commonplace or easily obtained. Inimitable -it cannot be easily imitated or copied by competitors. Non-substitutable -consumers cannot or will not substitute another product (Info Abstracted by: Competitive Advantage. Encyclopaedia of Business, 2nd ed. By Dena Waggoner) Competitive Advantage strategies of Tesco A company should be strategic enough to assess the possible techniques of brand management and then select the most appropriate and worth enough competitive advantage method. According to Michael Porter differentiation is a one best method of strategic competitive advantage. Differentiation can be done by People differentiation, market differentiation, price differentiation, and product differentiation and so on. In this differentiation accompany should be able to make sure the customer wants, understands, and understands the difference offered. If we get the product differentiation that difference should be significant, unique, superior, communicable, primitive, reasonable, and profitable. Otherwise that variety will not become a competitive advantage and it will be a waste to the organization. When an organization do a differentiation which is important, distinctive, superior, communicable, primitive, affordable, and profitable, it will get popular within the society and immerge as a brand. That is the success of the competitive advantage. So if we get the case study of Tesco Company, it first came out with the Tesco brand in 1924. Today Tesco is known as the British largest retailer by global sales an also domestic market. And as well it is the third largest retailer of the world. So the study of the manner that they are controlling the brand name Tesco in order to achieve the competitive advantage is a good opportunity to gather massive knowledge in this subject area. It was done by studying different viewpoint of brand management in Tesco. Brand value of Tesco: As per the literature embraces on consumer ideas the main reason for this strong brand image is because of the good quality, consistent goods that represent outstanding value. Tescos original ways of improving the customer shopping understanding, as well as its hard work to branch out into finance and insurance have also capitalized on this brand image. Because of this brand value the profits of Tescos operations in Europe, Asia and Ireland enlarged by 78% during the last fiscal year. Their main market base is UK. So the way that they are doing the brand management is as follows. Brand Management of UK Market Base As the prime retailer in the UK, the customer expectation on Tesco is high. So a small failure in upholding the brand image will lose the trust and confidence of the organization. That is why they gained competitive advantage should be sustainable and brand management should be done to retain that. So the consideration of potential risks for the Tescos brand image is extremely important. According to the analysis we can describe they have used the present affecting Tesco brand image of people to expand into new areas such as retail services and non-food and to identify the commercial urgent to do the exact thing for all their stakeholders and evade the loss of such loyalty of people. They are upholding Tescos values at every level and the organizations Code of Ethics guides staffs behaviour in their transactions with customers, employees and suppliers. They try to work out with all the levels stakeholders to get their views and to make sure that the strategies are reflects of the stakeholders. The initiate of the Community Plan in 2006 which was established their pledge to engaging in a wide range of social and environmental issues. Tesco is having eminent level of committees, including the Executive Committee, Corporate Responsibility Committee and Compliance Committee, to guide and monitor their policies. International Brand Management Tesco is having more than ten years of experience in foreign countries; they are using strategy based on six basics in international brand management: Be flexible each market is exceptional and requires a diverse approach Act local local customers, local cultures, local supply chains and local regulations require a modified offer conveyed by local staff Uphold focus on a few countries to be the leading local brand is a long term effort and they believe that it cannot do like growing mushrooms. Use multi-formats no single format can reach the whole of the market. A whole range from convenience to hypermarkets is necessary and they require to take a discounter move towards all the way through Develop ability Its not about scale, its about skill so they want to build that they have enough capability through people, processes systems Build brands brands allow the building of significant continuing relationships with customers. Methodology of the Study The methodology of this research study can be divided into several sections. The first section of the research study deals with the literature review on several aspects, firstly it finds out various articles, definitions, different studies to exactly define about different strategies of organizations applied to compete in a challengeable business environment. After clarify above two from the literature, above broad review of literature has been carried out on TESCO plc starting from its history in to a broad study of organizational products, services, low cost products and strategies. This will be a major part of the literature review which really analyses the literature on organization in analysing its strategies to compete in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. After that comprehensive literature study the questioner survey will be conducted with the clients of the Tesco to find out its impact on strategies. Apart from that a study will be conducted as a direct interview with the senior management of Tesco selecting a proper sample. Conclusion This is a research proposal based on the topic of How TESCO competes in highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Accordingly this study discusses about the background to the study and the problem of the study and the justification of the study. After that the consideration was given to identify the objectives of the study and then it was discussed the scope of the study and as well the limitations of the study. After identifying the above topics the methodology of the study has been described and after that a comprehensive literature review has been conducted. As a conclusion that this research proposal provides a better and a comprehensive framework to conduct the research study in a meaningful manner. Accordingly it can be elaborated that in the real research study further we can find out more secondary information on the organization and as well on the factors behind successful strategies to become highly competitive environment with low price of products and service. Further the research study can be completed as a study which discusses a wide area on the factors in finding competitive strategies of organizations with fruitful findings to apply for national and international business environment.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Population Ecology vs. Neoinstitutional Theory Essay -- Environment, E

Organization-environment relations depict certain areas of UCSB in their entirety in which two of those theories include population ecology and neoinstitutional theory. Population ecology and neoinstitutional theory looks at UCSB in divergent perspectives: population ecology looks at UCSB as a living or dying species whereas neoinstitutional theory highlights UCSB’s importance as an establishment to its field of education. With this, I am going to compare both, population ecology and neoinstitutional theory, in relation to the University of California – Santa Barbara. I will further discuss each of their strengths and weaknesses in accordance to the behavior and environment of institution, faculty, staff, and its students. Within nature, any form of species focus on selection and adaptation towards their environment to better themselves; organizations to utilize this idea as a metaphor to personify the organization-environment theory of population ecology underlining any organization functions as a living or dying species. Primarily, population ecology reflects both a rationalist and naturalist perspectives. Population ecology echoes rationalist theory because power is frequently controlled by those in superior positions due to their experiences within the organization (Taylor 25). Also, population ecology is natural because it denies specificity and predictability due to the organization’s dependence of the fluctuation of environmental resources (Sutton 1/20/11). Ultimately for any organization to adapt and change the future of the establishment, it is necessary for workers in a dominant and higher position to ruminate any strategies and environmental opportunities and threats (Hannan 930). He nry Yang, as UCSB’s chancellor, ... ...rsity. Conformity limits the organization values and appearance to which they cannot change unless the organization wishes to achieve any backlash. Overall, population ecology and neoinstitutional theory are part of organization-environment relations and are applied throughout UCSB. Population ecology and neoinstitutional theory are two theories describing and affecting the organizational environment at UCSB from two perspectives: the population and institutions as a whole. With population ecology, UCSB faces competition dilemmas to keep their organization from â€Å"dying†; and additionally, neoinstitutional theory shows UCSB how to appear legitimate through conforming to society’s beliefs and expectations. Although both concepts are vastly differently, they aid UCSB, as well as other organizations, to understanding the lifespan and appearance of its establishment.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Political Parties, Party and Electoral Systems, and Voting Behavior in the Uk

*Political Parties, Party and Electoral Systems*, and Voting Behavior in the UK *Political Parties and the *UK’s Party System Brief History: The Labour Party grew out of the trade union movement and socialist political parties of the 19th century, and continues to describe itself as a party of democratic socialism. Labour was the first political party in Great Britain to stand for the representation of the low-paid working class and it is the working class who are known as the Labour Party grassroots and traditional members and voters. The party traditionally favors socialist policies such as public ownership of key industries, government intervention in the economy, redistribution of wealth, increased rights for workers and trade unions, and a belief in the welfare state and publicly funded healthcare and education. socialist policies such as public ownership of key industries, government intervention in the economy, redistribution of wealth, increased rights for workers and trade unions, and a belief in the welfare state and publicly funded healthcare and education. But since the 1980’s, under the leadership of Neil Kinnock, John Smith and Tony Blair the party has moved away from its traditional socialist position towards what is often described as the â€Å"Third Way† (centrism) adopting some Thatcherite and free market policies after losing in four consecutive general elections. The Conservative Party on the other hand, descended from the Tory Party, founded in 1678, and is still often referred to as the Tory Party and its politicians, members and supporters as Tories. It was also known as the Unionist Party in the early 20th century, following the Conservatives' alliance with that part of the Liberal Party, known as the Liberal Unionists, who opposed their party's support for Irish Home Rule. The Irish Home Rule Movement articulated a longstanding Irish desire for the repeal of the Act of Union of 1800 by a demand for self-government within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Conservative Party is considered the centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Moderate Two Party System? The effectiveness of the party system in Parliament depends on the relationship between the Government and the Opposition parties. Even though they oppose each other, they still help each other in a way the the opposition: contributes to the creation of policy and legislation through constructive criticism, opposes government proposals they disagree with, and they put forward their own policies in order to improve their chances of winning the next general election. These things give the party seated choices and other options to ensure that their actions contribute to the betterment of the whole country. Electoral Systems and Voting Behavior The question now is how they are elected. The UK has four types of electoral systems. The first one is the most used, the First Past the Post system. It is the one used to elect the MP’s that seat in the House of Commons. There is a single winner and that is the person with the most votes; there is no requirement that the winner gain an absolute majority of votes. The next system is the block/bloc voting, used in local government elections in England and Wales. It is a voting system for electing several representatives from a single multimember electoral district using a series of check boxes and tallying votes similar to the First Past the Post system. Next is the single transferable vote system, used in Northern Ireland to elect the Assembly, local councils, and Members of the European Parliament, and in Scotland to elect local councils. It is a preferential voting system designed to minimize â€Å"wasted† votes, provide proportional representation, and ensure that votes are explicitly cast for individual candidates rather than party lists. Last is the Party-list system, used in the European Parliament elections in England, Scotland and Wales. It is a voting system that emphasizes proportional representation in elections returning multiple candidates. Voters directly vote for the party. For the past few elections, it is sad to say that the trend in the UK’s voters turnout is not that pleasing to see. Turnout has fallen from 77% in 1992, 71% in 1997 and 61% in 2001. There had been a slight increase in the 2005 elections but still, it is really low. Now the question is what explains these behaviors. Reasons like the lack of variation in the ideologies of the main parties, the decline in partisanship, the reduction in the popularity of various Party leaderships, the dissatisfaction with parties' record on public services, education, transport etc. , the lack of interest in the election campaigns and the voter’s apathy due to voters believing their vote will have no effect on the overall outcome. People often have a mind set that their voteis not needed anymore that is why they are contented by just letting the elections pass by. The UK really is a complicated country but studying it is really worthwhile. Bibliography: http://www. parliament. uk http://www. nriol. com http://en. wikipedia. org http://british-house-of-commons. suite101. com Bale, T. (2005) European Politics: A Comparative Introduction, chap. 5 and 6. Webb, P. (2004) ‘Party Responses to the Changing Electoral Markets in Britain’ in Mair, P. et. al. (eds. ) Political Parties and Electoral Change.

Through the Tunnel

Through The Tunnel In this story, Through The Tunnel, there are three settings that all symbolize something different. The safe beach symbolized him still being a child. On the safe beach, his mother was there to protect and be there for him. The wild beach was where Jerry wanted to go. It was taking a step out into the world to him. He wanted to be free and become a man. The journey through the tunnel symbolized Jerry going from a child to an adult.He challenged himself to go through the tunnel so he would feel accomplished and finally be a man, something his mother would never understand. Other than the settings, there are many different symbols in the story that help readers figure out the meaning of the whole story. One symbol from this story would be darkness. When Lessing writes, â€Å"He struggled on in the darkness,† the darkness symbolizes Jerry's lack of knowledge or the fear of the unknown.He doesn't actually know how far the tunnel will go or if it will become narr ow. Another symbol from this story would be light. While Jerry was swimming through the tunnel he saw light coming in through a crack. That symbolizes that he is really close to becoming a man. The big meaning of Jerry making it through the tunnel is the journey from boyhood to manhood. When Jerry first discovers the tunnel he can swim through it like the other boys, therefore, becoming a man. Jerry practices holding his breath over and over.Even though holding his breath for a long time caused him physical pain, Jerry still tells himself that he will overcome it and accomplish his goal. During the time it took him to go through the tunnel, Lessing writes that Jerry is panicking because he thinks he might not make it out of the tunnel. This shows that Jerry was somewhat scared to become a man. When Jerry finally comes out of the tunnel on the other side, he feels like he has become independent and mature. He finally has become the man that he wanted to be. The tunnel is a powerful s ymbol because it shows rebirth.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Journal assignment mechanistic

These systems and their parts do not have purposes of their own. They have essential parts that make the whole to function for example, a clock that operates by being dictated by its internal structure and automobile which serves its purpose of driver and passenger and it can not move by its own without the driver. Mechanistic can be open if it is affected by external events or closed if unaffected by external conditions. For example, earth is an open system because its movement is influenced by other bodies in the solar system. ORGANIC SYSTEM These are purposeful systems whose parts cannot function on their own. The purpose for the system is survival. For example, lungs cannot survive on themselves but they extract oxygen from the environment for the person to survive. In order for organic system to survive they must interact with the environment and understand the properties and behavior (Morgan, 1996) Organizations or groups which we belong to are mechanistic This is because there is distribution of tasks and duties are shared among members of the group. People specialize in what they can perform best and in areas where they can be most productive for the benefit of the whole group or organization. Every individual aims at improving the assigned job rather than accomplishing it. Rights and regulations are well defined in order to make sure that each members demand is taken care of. There are technical methods of productions which includes the use of modern technology in production to offer quality goods and services. The structure of control is hierchial based on knowledge where the managers are the most experienced people and other follow. At the top we have reconciliation and assessments of tasks that are perform to ensure they are done to the desired standards. The communication is vertical, which is between superior and subodinates and instructions are issued by superiors who also make decisions. One condition of group membership is being loyal and obedience to the superiors. Examples are: cyber cafà © that offer computer based services like internet, typing and printing. There are Automobile factories that buy and sell vehicles and a club store. HOW RAPID CHANGE AFFECT VARIOUS TYPES OF ORGANIZATION There will be insecurity and fear of the unknown because, the organization does not known what will follow after the rapid change and is not certain of its existence in future. If rapid change occurs in an informal group, it can cause the individual group to be transferred. There will be economic loss due to lay off of staff due to change in automation or computerization. Inconveniencies will arise if the new techniques have to be learned because it will require money and time in order to learn them. The employees will feel that they have no control over their destiny and are not certain of their tomorrow whether they will still be working. This will make them loose morale in their work because they are not motivated. HOW RAPID ECHNOLOGICAL/TELECOMMUNICATION/ECONOMIC CHANGE AFFECT THE FOLLOWING FIRMS Auto manufacturer Change will transform processes through which inputs which include labor and raw materials are converted into finished goods and services. This will result to new goods being produced by use of significant innovation process that required a lot of money to implement it. Consumers will need to be contacted through sales promotion which can be done by use of television in order to create awareness about the new improved product that serve the taste and preference of consumers.(Schein,1992) Television firms If the economy goes up, the firm will charge large amount of money for advertisement and because people prefer low price, the number of customer who will use the service will be few making the firm to have reduced revenue from its services. People will prefer to use modern television technology therefore the firm will have to install it which can be costly and may not have been budgeted from the beginning. The purchase price of modern technology of television is expensive and requires ample time to buy it. A university This will result to change in everything including the organization structure. New departments will come up and new faculties. New lecturers will be required or training for the already existing ones. Payment of employees will go up and this will also result to rise in fees to be paid by all the students. The subject combination of all the students will have to change and some will feel that they will have to transfer to other universities that offer the subjects of their choice. There will be numerous challenges due to need for more opportunities to do research to be in line with the change. Due to change, new managers will need to be employed and this will require additional finance. The things that will have been preserved so that they can be used in future will have to be changed and this is total loss because they are durable and will not be of any more use. State employment and job training corps State funds will be used to implement change because there will be need for skill upgrading of employees in the state. The state initiatives will have to avail retraining programs in the use of the new technology. These changes will lead to job displacement and job changes because some positions will be of no more use and will need to be replaced. (Schein) There will be job training committee that will be selected and training corps who will provide special programs on technological change to let the union officials respond to change effectively. This training will be made more accessible, convenient and cheap. A small rural Baptist church Rapid technological change will affect mission work because the machines used to amplify sound will need to be changed and use more improved ones which may be expensive to buy. The language used in churches will need to be improved from vernacular to national and international language in order to avoid racial discrimination and reach the gospel everywhere. Media will need to be used to preach the gospel and this will require money to pay for TV programs. PTA for elementary school in a neighborhood where most parents work in the tourism and travel industry The school will have to install the new technology which will require a lot of money. Failure to this, most parents will transfer their children to school where there is new technology. This change in technology will affect parent who are not able economically to pay for the new technology. The school will need to employ new teachers who have experience in the new technology. The students will need to change some subjects and learn new ones which require extra effort and more time. ADVANTAGES OF TOP-DOWN ORGANIZATIONS The organization focuses on utilization of resources which is from individual managed application. The available resources are put into profitable use and none of them is wasted. This leads to high quality output produced at reduced cost. The management looks for solution of all the processes to be carried out to make sure that the mission and vision of the organization is achieved through proper planning of all the activities to be carried out. When phases for management application are completed, a deeper and more mature implementation will be established for identity in management solution. The maintenance and operation resources in top-down organizations are not impacted severely in the beginning. Their visibility is high because everybody is able to observe changes as they happen in their place of work and also observe the shared values in the organization.(Morgan) There is confidence because, team get the opportunity to experiment new practices due to the backing of sponsors. Transparency is observed and mistakes are collected at initial stages and practices are consistent with the vision of the company. ADVANTAGES OF MORE ORGANIC ORGANIZATIONS Collective marketing enable farmers enjoy benefits of economies of scale because buyers want to deal with organizations rather than individual farmers. Training is provided on organic production to ensure that products are of high quality and meet the desired standards in order to generate more revenue. The organization is able to comply with international standards required to be met   for the product to be consumed. Sample inspection is done on few farmers and this helps to reduce the cost of certification that could have been done on individual farmers. Consumers are willing to pay more for organically produced goods and services because they belief they are the best and they enjoy competitive advantage in marketing because their products are well known to customers. WHICH OFFER THE MOST UPWARD MOBILITY FOR EMPLOYEES Top-down organization offers upward mobility of employees because the encourage employees to work hard and give rewards to employees based on performance. The management is also accountable for staffing and experienced staffs are recruited to do the job. The employees turn over is low because of various promotions given to employees once they stay for sometime in the organization. There is no discrimination and all employees are treated equally with no favors. REFERENCES Gareth Morgan; Images of Organizations; Sage publications; 1996 Edger Schein; Organizational Culture and Leadership; Jossey-Bass; l992                        

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

African History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

African History - Essay Example Two women shaped Kings early life, one was his mother and other was his maternal grandmother. Martin Luther had great belief in God, which was nurtured by his father and other close relatives. He encountered church every Sunday and there some 4,000 members of Atlanta’s Black community found refuge from the mistreatment that was their daily experience in a state where segregation laws where strictly enforced. He sooner started realizing the hard life of Black Africans who were ill treated by Whites. Later in life he became enthralled by the work of Mahatma Gandhi who fought against the British colonial rule. So he wanted to help American Blacks win their freedom, not from foreign rule but from injustice. Martin Luther chose the non – violent way of preaching which was able to captivate Black and white listeners alike. Later he became a Christian minister in church and a leading figure in the fight for Black people’s right by organizing many peaceful marches, protests and speeches. The revolution of Martin Luther king was part of the ongoing struggle of Black Americans for equality and civil rights. For a dozen years, this charismatic Baptist minister and his legion of followers had confronted the humiliating system of segregation that had kept Black Americans second- class citizens. In doing this, King and his disciples had faced a raging storm of white abuse. They had been beaten, arrested, jailed and spat upon. They had their homes and churches burned, their families threatened, their friends and allies murdered. Yet they kept on. They marched; staged boycotts and sit –ins; they broke unjust laws and, in the end, they awakened the nation and world to the shame of American racial persecution. Through it all, no matter how badly provoked, no matter how brutal their enemies, they have never turned into violence, because with every ounce of his being Martin Luther King believed in non – violence. Martin Luther King received the world’s highest

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - Essay Example The nature of imperfect labour markets today as well as the cutthroat competition limited jobs by desperate employees can and has in some cases, resulted in substandard industrial relations (Salamon, 2000). This in many instances leads to and escalates conflict in employee relations. However, while conceding that conflict may indeed be inevitable, it can be managed and controlled through a proactive and vibrant bargaining process that can be used to ensure a smooth transition in whatever transaction the Organization takes part in and the interests of its staff. This paper will discuss the notion of inevitability of employee conflict by examining various theories and literature demonstrating some of its causative factors and methods that have been developed in employee relations for managing it. To create a better understanding of the nature conflict in employment relations, it is important that the concept is first understood, and its constituent notions explained. Employer relations are by no means neither straightforward nor easy concept that can be tied down to a generic definition. Its meaning tends to vary widely depending on whom one is asking (Lewis, Thornhill & Saunders, 2003). In American HRM literature for instance, it is understood as the corpus of HR, in a functional sense it encapsulates the relations between employees and employers in the world place. On the other hand, a the British interpretation of the same covers a wider scope which cuts across specific workplace issues and covers even the interactions between the state, employer relations and labour unions. In these terms, employment relations involves both the micro and macro level relations which are notably absent in the American context (Gennard & Judge, 2002). In American context, employer relations are unlikely to encompass industrial relations as comprehensively as it can in a UK or

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business strategy IKEA group Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business strategy IKEA group - Case Study Example Using secondary research this report will present the emergent and direct strategies of this company and will also explain the reasons for IKEA to follow them. The report will then explain the importance of written strategic plan and cite the approach companies must take to deal with emergent events. This report also presents the future strategies for IKEA by using Ansoff's matrix. The history of IKEA in the Appendices section shows its steady growth over the years. This report now gives examples of emergent strategies and direct strategies of IKEA and the reasons for following them. (i) The company generally works through a network of worldwide suppliers and doesn't manufacture its own products. But, the company has few factories that set benchmarks for their suppliers on production economy, and quality (Nattrass and Altomare, 1999). The company focuses on achieving efficiency at low cost without compromising on the quality (Rosenhauer, 2008). By setting an example in front of the suppliers, the company can get better products from them and deliver more customer satisfaction. (ii) IKEA is also the joint owner or financer in a number of countries to secure supplies and help suppliers develop (Nattrass and Altomare, 1999). This may increase IKEA's competitiveness as companies can increase their competitive positioning by undertaking key activities in the value chain. The company also makes efforts to form close relationship with the suppliers and helps them develop, and innovate through training programs (Rosenhauer, 2008). This ensures better cooperation with the suppliers who strive to give quality products at a very low price. Relevant and timely training can provide the valuable guidance that can help suppliers produce the right product for the customers. (iii) The global furniture giant is characterized by lesser hierarchical structure and absence of bureaucracy. This helps the company to have centralized control over key functional activities. The Chairman of the company believes that strategic decisions of an organization should be reached in a simple manner (Rosenhauer, 2008). IKEA also delegates important strategy decisions to their store managers (Nesbitt, 2004). Apparently, this freedom to take decisions will make the managers feel more responsible towards their jobs and they will become more loyal to the organization. Emerging Strategies (i) The company has begun to focus on inviting the customers to be involved in the design and production of the products. IKEA is focussed on redefining roles of their stakeholders in the furniture business so that it can effectively beat the competition (Rosenhauer, 2008). The company has also begun to target young people who have a liking for stylish designs available at affordable price (Winfield et al, 2004). By involving the stakeholders in the design the company can provide customers with products that they really want and this will give them a competitive edge. The company will no longer waste its energies in unproductive work and focus on making only those designs that click. (ii) IKEA was driven to change its strategy and pay more attention to taking care of the environment. The company was criticized for the huge packaging waste, using excess of PVC plastic and cutting trees to make its catalogues. This global home furnishings

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Services Sector Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The Services Sector Marketing - Essay Example This will be important for the bank to win a larger client base by getting new clients and also maintaining its current clients. The HSBC bank is a major bank in the UK and has more assets than the rest of the banks. This aspect makes it less risky as compared to the other banks and it is able to pay for all the costs it incurs in the day to day running of the business. The service sector is also very important to the economic wellbeing of a country as it contributes a considerable amount to the GNP. The essay will therefore seek to impart knowledge about the services sector marketing. It will also explain about the gaps model and its usefulness in improving the effectiveness of marketing. This model was developed by authors and was based on the quality of service. The model was made based on the perceptions of the consumers towards the quality of service. It was concluded that the service quality depended on four gaps. Some in-depth measurement scales were developed a year later. Th e perceived service quality can be said to be the difference between the expectations of the consumer and their perceptions. This will depend on the four gaps' sizes and directions with respect to the way the service quality is delivered as per the requirement of the company (Vovici Cooperation, 2009, pg 1). The gaps are grouped into an overall customer gap which is further classified into provider gaps. The provider gap has 4 gaps. Under the provider gap, gap 1 is lack of knowledge of the customers' expectation; Gap 2 is the lack of proper designs and standards; Gap 3 is the lack of delivery as per the service standards; and finally Gap 4 is the lack of matching the performance according to the promises the organization made. The provider gaps are known as internal gaps. The overall objective is to close these gaps. The model aims at connecting the internal and external customers (Vovici Cooperation, 2009, pg 1). Customer gap The factors leading to customer gap include gap 1 which is the lack of knowledge about the customers' expectations. This can be resolved through research which is aimed at finding out the needs of the customers. Various methods can be used to collect data from the people. These methods include questionnaires, observations and interviews. Through this, the organization is able to identify the various needs of the people and thus structure the services to meet these needs (Vovici Cooperation, 2009, pg 1). Research is important because the organization would otherwise have offered its services in the way they deemed fit which could have been contrary to the customers' requirements. Structuring services that are as per the customers' requirement of the customers will attract more customers and this will be to the overall benefit of the organization. In addition to this, the customers are happy to contribute or give their opinion to the way certain services should be and therefore identify with the organization. Another factor that leads to c ustomer gap is gap 2 which is the failure to select the right designs and standards for a service. Wrong designs and standards lead to the development of services which are of poor quality and do not meet the customer's needs. The customer is the center of focus and if this customer is not happy with the services he or she is being offered this is not good for the business.Â